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FREE Online Courses

Most of my free online courses are Fine Arts related. We begin with the basics of learning what art is--and isn't. Then we continue with elements of art, moving along to ancient art, and eventually building our way towards today's contemporary art.

Meet Your Teacher

Some of these courses were done on Prezi, Emaze, and Teachable. Some classes were also designed specifically for my homeschooling enrichment Fine Arts for Kids course, but they are still useful and applicable to any fine arts curriculum.


These classes won't be free for much longer. Soon they will become a part of my new program, History Through Art. These freebies will end in September! MAKE SURE TO ENROLL IN MY NEW, FREE, ONLINE "HISTORY THROUGH ART" COURSE. (Scroll to the bottom for more information.)

Start Here

Learn what art is...and isn't. 

Elements of Art

Elements of Art

Vincent van Gogh 
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